my life is not for money; my life is not for happy; my life is for linux.

平静的思想,平静的行动。 2007.8.13
精神上的富有。 2007.7.1
把一生献给开源事业。 2007.5.30
天才哲学的中文翻译 2007.5.2
去了一趟新加坡 2007.4.7
永恒轮回大战虚无主义 --美丽的相识 2007.4.2
两个精神分裂患者的对话 2007.3.30
在红帽工作了 2007.1.23
《精神分裂笔记》发布 2006.12.23
星际译王下载词典收费了 2006.12.5
Free Sex, Free software, and GNU Marriage License 2006.11.10
参加Ubuntu聚会。 2006.11.2
Nokia提供770硬件,StarDict将移植到maemo平台。 2006.10.13
StarDict在德国出光盘了。 2006.10.10
StarDict.org在线词典网站推出。 2006.9.25
毕业了,在北京工作。 2006.7.22
StarDict-2.4.8版发布 2006.7.7
星际译王总下载量突破一百万 2006.5.15
StarDict-2.4.7版发布 2006.4.19
中日韩开源软件竞赛 2006.4.17
ReciteWord-0.8.3版发布 2006.3.27
中科院开源软件设计大赛 2006.3.25
StarDict-2.4.6版发布 2006.1.18
2005“金企鹅杯”两岸四地开源软件大赛 2005.10.19
StarDict获得2004'中国开源软件竞赛金奖 2005.1.25
Spiritual things 2004.6.17
六种决定人的基因 2004.5.24
四种决定人的命运的基因 2004.5.18
对人的分析(修订版) 2004.5.7
对人的分析 2004.5.4

pure human

How can they pretend to be so justice, noble and polite? People are keep stupified by watch television in the whole life. I want to commit suicide. How many years can my childish heart be kept?

今天我以我为荣,明天学校以我为荣 :_)
I am proud of myself today, the school will be proud of me tomorrow :_)

Genius will play gambling after old if he is hided in the society, as this can make him be thinking, although it is non-sense. One essence of my thinking is fellow the nature, so i don't stop my father from gambling, only advise him, now i understand the reason :_) One thing i need to explain is that the gambling which my father like, it is not the gambling you thought of, but a form that ask questions and need you get the answer by "think" :_) I concede it is think, but it haven't much value.

"天才国" -> 终结宗教之作,这本书只给真正的天才教教徒看,也就是能做到以卖淫为生的天才.

My father is angry, my mother is arguing, my younger brother is shouting and crying. I smile, i have no emotion and no words, all of you are right :) They become peace and return to normal state soon, i know nothing happened at the beginning :_)

泰山崩于前而不惊 :_)
Taishan mountain collapse in front of me and i am not frightened :_)

The perfect girl's voice seems to be not lovely at first, you even feel her voice don't like a girl as she is different from all the girls that you acquainted. It is only because her lovely haven't overflow from her heart yet.

Read over "The Chinese philosophy history" by Feng Youlang.

I find i start to trust fate now, that everything is predestined. I can always be peacefully because i trust everything is predestined?

I go to the book market, there are so many books, i think i can determine the book just by the book title.

People's name(especially Chinese) indicated the expectation of his/her parents to he/her, so people have the inclination to do things according to his/her name, someone changed his/her name, who i called genius killer, didn't achieved the expectation of his/her old name, this can be say as abnormal and don't fellow the nature.

Nobody is pretending? After you know they are pretending, they are not pretending to you too.

Crime and punishment is not two, but one. Perfect.

Why smile and nod is so powerful? It make others' teaching become reporting :_)

Connect by heart, so don't need to pretend and can be very efficient.

When watch a movie, which is a virtual world, you are dived into it, when you return to normal world, you still didn't get into the real world, as you only do things such as eating in the real world. What is a matrix? In the real world, you only do things to keep alive. There exist another world, the real world, you can only get into it by thinking.

I look at the city, the light of the buildings, so many people are living in the big city. I understand "The Legend of 1900":"It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...". Genius fear to be vanished in the city as many others. I don't fear it now, as i have already understood the city.

It was raining, i give my book to Jiang Qin tonight, i find her eyes is very very luster, she should live in the reality as me. I find she speak very fast, which may astonish many boys, that seems she is always very exciting, completely different from her appearance, yes, she is full of energy and be efficient as me. I think this is the indication that Yin and Yang change to Yang and Yin. Boy prostitute :_) Too ridiculous, this astonished me too. She is completely different from the normal girl, she must be the superwoman, i will try to understand her.

I sleep and think, one thing we need to aware, just like Zhang Yong think he understand his girlfriend, and he will always confirm it, but he don't really understand his girlfriend, because a baby is only her latter form. Most of you don't really understand woman too, because you didn't acquainted the real girl. I think Jiang Qin is a real girl, her achievement is always very good, very beautiful, tall, and her family environment is very good, so she is keep never changed as me.

If i understand her, i should have understood woman.

Yes, Nietzsche understand this too.
Someone took a youth to a sage and said: "Look, he is being corrupted by women." The sage shook his head and smiled. "It is men," said he, "that corrupt women; and all the failings of women should be atoned and improved in men. For it is man who creates for himself the image of woman, and woman forms herself according to this image."

"Damn oil! Damn kindness!" Someone else shouted out of the crowd; "women need to be educated better!" - "Men need to be educated better," said the sage and beckoned to the youth to follow him. - The youth, however, did not follow him.
Zhang Yong want a baby like girlfriend, so his girlfriend become a baby after acquainted him.

The superwoman don't change herself. Man often want woman be lower than him, when they meet the superwoman(or supergirl), they will start to court her, but only after talk for several words, they can sense he is not as good as this girl, they don't dare to court her soon, although she is perfect. She is my girl :)

Oh, dear, keep silence can be misunderstood too, oh, smile can be misunderstood too. I tell you, i was thinking about how to save human, OK? I am not keep silence for your affairs, i am not smile for your affairs. You live in the appearance world, we are not in the same world, do you know?

You live very good? That pet live better than you, it eat, copulate, and happy everyday :_)

If i didn't write my precious books, what will happen? Another Hu Zheng write it? :_) Anyway, i should do my best to help human evolution. Philosophy really changed the whole human more than science.

"Genius Country" -> Just like Buddha persuade the Buddhist to beg, this book persuade the member of genius religion to prostitute. Certainly, only male genius :_) Oh, another thing, just like Buddhist's begging is different from beggar's begging, the member of genius religion's prostitution is not that way which you thought of :)
"天才国" -> 就像佛陀说服其教徒去讨饭一样, 这本书说服天才教教徒去卖淫. 当然, 是指男性天才 :_) 哦,再就是, 就像和尚讨饭和乞丐讨饭是两回事一样, 天才教教徒卖淫也不是你以为的那样 :)

I find now i need spiritual food very much, but normal book can't feed me now, oh, i don't have much interest in literature books now, i am more interest in real life, philosophy books, to me, haven't much to read too. I can start to put more focus on science soon :)

I say:"i am the superman" with the childish voice and shave the hands, both my younger brother and i are so happy :)

I have see people explain Tao as the way, it should be wrong, to me, Tao is the harmoniousness.

Those things which you are good at reciting, is just what i am good at forgetting.

The time that the law system build up completely, is the time that the law system smash. Because you will find we don't need law.

Jiang Qin is the real babyly girl. What is the difference between the female genius killer and her? First, Jiang Qin looks like a baby, female genius killer don't. Second, female genius killer's words is very babyly, but it is pretending and is only her latter form. The real babyly grow up girl's words is very fast and short, and she don't adapt herself to you. Yes, just like there exists two type of ignorance, there exists two type of babyly, and, the real baby won't let you feel she is babyly, just like my ignorance won't let you feel i am ignorant.

"天才国" -> 这本书内容已经非常恐怖,基本上就是在说山不是山,人不是人. 因此只给看懂了前两本书并已将自己训练成超人了的人看,下载地址不告诉你 :_) 知道了的偷着乐哈.

Email address can give you many information, such as mine is huzheng_001, first, it is because i can't register huzheng as it have already registered by other people, second, why i don't use huzheng_000? Although it is cool, but i don't like not-exist, i don't use 007 because i don't want to be others :) The email of Zhang Yong's girlfriend is jiuyueyingfei, the eagle fly in the September, so you can easily know she say she would like to lead a normal life with Zhang Yong is not really. Jiang Qin's email is babyqin, yes, she is really a baby in the heart.

About FaLun Gong's tenet
FaLun Gong publicize that they pursue "True, Good, Beautiful", i think pursue "True" and "Beautiful" both are good, but pursue "Good" may lead people to the wrong way, especially deliberately put "Good" in the middle, with two good words around it, because everyone is Good(My philosophy ideology think human are good by born), ask you pursue "Good" apparently, ask you trust others are not good in fact. I keep silence about FaLun Gong at first, when i see someone criticize FaLun Gong while they haven't understand FaLun Gong, I even hold the support attitude, but after i read some FaLun Gong's advertise materials, i get to see FaLun Gong's inner spiritual essence, cheat uneducated people, then i no longer hold the support attitude to FaLun Gong.

Things turned out after we grown up and we understand why. when recall those things between us, we have no regret, it was already perfect. Our eyes are looking at each other, when we recall it.

I gain the emotion from my mother, the reasoned head from my father.

The defect of my father is he don't love pets and a little despise woman as the Chinese tradition, the defect of my mother is she become hysterical in the very furious situation.

I understand why Buddha ask you don't eat meat, his heart can connect to animals as me too. Eat the animals feed by human should have no problem, but we have no right to eat wild animals, however, hunter is not in this case. Then, in my opinion, eat meat have no problem.

Buddhist will become the member of genius religion.

Just like Christianity is the biggest stupifying religion, Buddhism stopped human evolution too as it stopped geniuses' propagation. Christianity become stupifying because Jesus tell lie that there exists a god(so he have to kill himself as crime and punishment is one), Buddha tell you to avoid sexual intercourse, because Buddha didn't get as high as me, that the human have some portion of animals? It should be so. Yes, he can't discover this when people still worry about living.

Why human have some portion of animals? This is easy to understand, as human are mammal, so human share some genes of them. So, there exists three type of morality, first, no-danger animal morality, so they can live together peacefully, second, beast morality, so they don't fight in themselves, work together to do crime on no-danger animals, and help each other when the other is in the dangerous situation, to save life. The third, is the human morality, which described by Nietzsche as the superman morality.

What will happen after human start to evolution very fast as my thinking accepted by everyone? Then, boys will more and more look alike, girls are the same, all handsome, all beautiful. But i think everyone should still not be the same, just like we think monkeys are all look alike, but monkeys still can distinguish each other by face, we can still distinguish each other even we look very alike, as our ability to distinguish grow up at the same time. The next 2000 years will be so cool, only pure human can done the work of explore the galaxy and fly out of it. Saucer man should exists, will they look alike human? Or completely different? Anyway, interesting things will happen. Oh, yes, I haven't much interest on read or write literature books now, but I can read and write science fiction :_) So, i need to learn science more deep first :)

Oh, how lucky, that we born in this era.

Darwin is great, that discovered the evolution of animals, i discovered the evolution of human :)

Now China society become very stable, crime become very seldom just in recent several years, as we solved the living problem, this is because Chinese are very wise, or very humanly, anyway, the human over the earth are all very humanly now :)

Oh, one thing, human won't become completely the same, such as the color of eyes, hairs :) Beautiful human.

How to know whether you like each other? Very easy, your eyes are always look at each other. Oh, so simple, but don't knowing this is not a bad thing, it created my love story with icelotus :) Oh, knowing this won't change anything, even you tell this to the me while loving icelotus, he won't trust this, yes, all of my roommates have told me that icelotus is impossible to me at that time :_) but i trust i can change it. So, the only successful love is the love by the first glance, but wrong partner love story is a good memory too.

My love story with Jiang Qin is inevitable, our eyes were always looking at each other when talking :_) Oh, i will have many love story. Don't envy me, study my philosophy, become a boy that have the charming eyes which full of wisdom :)

I can always be peacefully, not only because i trust everything is predestined, but also because i do things as i planed and on my initiative, and everything happens as i can predict approximately, so things won't surprise me.

One experience about write philosophy book, unlike literature book, philosophy book only need to write once and needn't modify, as your thinking must be consistently, so write down what you are thinking exactly, if get new idea, try you best to only append.

Good literature book, especially write about the whole life, will tell you the first draft, the second draft, the final draft, such as "The ordinary world" by Lu Yao. The deepest emotion won't express emotion or opinion in the text, because they caved into the things which written down, so you can get by heart. When i write about my first lover for the first time in "my childhood", i write down some words to describe my emotion and opinion, the second time, i only write that her smiling face is still clearly in my heart.

I like watch television :_) mountain is mountain again. This is because i can be thinking while watching television. The key is, good things and bad things are often mixed together, whether you have the superman's eyes to distinguish them.

About Nietzsche's go mad, i think his go mad is not because of the non-stop thinking. It should because he is hit by a horse(i heard this), and i get to know his go mad by syphilis is just rumor, it was because he have the head illness. Weininger's commit suicide is because he haven't the childish heart as me, and can't get love from girls as he stopped to court girl, i always have a girl in my heart while my thinking progressing.

I often see people the time they get the highest is the time their valuing system get smash, such as get many money, well-know fame. I know how to keep lowest :_)

I still remember that morning i say:"Geniuses in the world! Unite!", that i find myself in that morning. Reader, have you find yourself?

Just like genius learn from mistake, human as a whole is a genius too, so human can always get progress.

I was a lion when saying garbages, stupifying etc. :)

以前最喜欢的词: 自由战士, 真正的黑客, 天才中的天才, 大白痴, 完美, 最最喜欢的词: 呵呵.
Words i like: freedom fighter, true hacker, genius of geniuses, big idiot, perfect, and most like: hehe.


Why many geniuses are love child? A male genius make love with a beautiful woman, who is a female genius.

Have you ever see the helix tube which you can often see in the barbershop, the white and black spire and give you the appearance of unlimited flow up while the tube is only circling. Time is unlimited? or a circle? I incline to circle. If so, then time can be reverse as the circle turn reverse, oh, that is too ridiculous. I need science to help me on this.

Does random exists? This will help my thinking very much. Quantum physics say it exists, i need to examine it by myself.

Always insist on open, the time you begin to close, the time defect generate.

Genius religion can only be created by a child :_)

I won't cheat boys to learn eagerly, i won't cheat girls to make love with me :_) Because tell them the truth have much better effect. Start to cheat, stop to progress. I must haven't any morality defect, i always consider others as many as myself, because we are together.

Oh, how can i write down so many things and non-stop? How many books will i write in my whole life? Oh, that will be horrible. In my experience, people's books can always be summarize to several ideas, my books have this typicality too, if i can't get new big idea by written a book, i should stop writing, or i can't surmount myself. I don't want to be only a philosopher :_)

Nietzsche like "Carmen" too :)

Read over "Nietzsche biography" by Du Liyang.

Why crime become so seldom? Animals and beasts can earn the living easily.

How to know which country is most developed? Just look which country's president is most handsome :_)

Why some handsome boys or beautiful girls seems not as good as normal people? Because achievement is not everything, and the standard of handsome or beautiful is not very right ago. Who is handsome? Hu Jingtao is the standard, i am the standard :_) In other side, just give you the photo of me will give you the feeling of handsome too.

Genius only know he is handsome after grow up, human only understand themselves after grow up.

So simple.

最高思想境界: 呵呵
The highest spiritual level: hehe

Human is thinking, god is laughing. I always laugh while you are thinking :_)

Read over a book of Lao Zte, Lao Zte have get to know the harmoniousness. The essence of his thinking is written in the first two sentences, others are mainly used to cheat stupid people, so his wisdom can save to today.

Why the girl don't reply to you? She don't like you? Girl have no love? No :) You can imagine what words can she reply to your words, will those words show her initiative? So she don't reply to you, as female genius will surely insist on this, as those words don't fit her character, and to distinguish herself from the female genius killer. It is lucky that i have already understand this, or i will go the way as Weininger.

Weininger was misunderstood, he is regard as a fanatic misogynist because Weininger was saying mountain is not mountain.

I look at the television, animals sit together and are so happy :_)

Genius don't like herd together as they don't like to be the same as others while they know they are different from others.

Yes, i can know who is going to commit suicide by the eyes, as i can know your heart from eyes. In the other side, i can make my eyes look like going to commit suicide etc., as i can make my heart going to commit suicide, but it have no danger, as i have the seasoned head, and the childish heart will always within me.

On girl, speak very fast is the indication of high intelligence, the beautiful face is the indication of emotion, the good shape of body is the indication of will. Just like most boy is weak on will, most girl is weak on intelligence. Jiang Qin is a perfect girl.

Why women like match-making? Because they know who is good girl and who is good boy. So, listen to your mother about your marriage, if you father's opinion is not the same as your mother's, trust your mother.

Why China didn't have science? Because the wisest people fellow the nature, they can sense the whole as Tao, so they neglected the detail, and stopped to ask why. Don't ask why is not a child, so, we should develop(or keep) the abilities that the infant have.

孔子的仁义: 仁,家畜道德,义,野兽道德。而在人的道德里对立的是爱和正。
Confucius's Kind and Duty: Kind, domestic animal morality, Duty, beast morality. In human morality, the correspondence are love and justice.

Confucius know the fatality when he is sixty, i know fate when i was just twenty :)

Read over a book of Chuang Tsu, oh, he is as wise as me, and Chuang Tsu is much higher than Lao Tze, this can know by he have a wife too, although his wife should be a normal(or stupid) woman.

Zhou Dunyi is higher than Chuang Tsu, he understand Ying and Yan, in fact, Ying and Yan is just the harmoniousness, and he love lotus just like me, but i am more higher as i love lotus like girls :_) As i know the animal portion in human.

Liu Dehua is a genius as he know he is a clumsy(or ignorant) child, but he is cheated by Wu Jianhao, Wu Jianhao is not a child as him, although he seems to more like a child than everyone, the genius killer is good at pretending.

Love is generate from propagation, not sexual desire. Why you love each other? Because your child will be the best. Not only this, you can get on very well too. Yes, Weininger's sex-complement theory is right. I am 0.5, Jiang Qin is 0.5 too, Hu Yan is 0.4, her boyfriend is 0.6.

Oh, what? All of you know these things too? "Mountain is mountain" is different from "mountain is mountain again".

"The Evolution of Human" -> Constitute by "philosophy relativity", "genius country" and "pure human", the book terminate religions, write for geniuses as the love manual, let Christian flight from Christianity, let Buddhist monks take a wife, let sages get marry, foretell many freshly new human's born.
《人类的进化》-> 分为《哲学相对论》,《天才国》,《纯人类》三部分, 终结宗教之作, 写给天才们的爱情宝典, 让基督教教徒弃教, 让和尚娶亲, 让圣人结婚, 预示着大批的全新人类诞生.

佛教的缘分 -> Predestination. 因果报应 -> Crime and punishment is one, but not two.

When i input my thinking notes which was written on the paper into the computer, i find, my thinking that only several days ago was so naive, but i know, but the people, those adults, are as naive as my old thinking, they get one position of my thinking, then stopped thinking, develop that thinking to detail, which seems very complex but the essence is still very naive as mine.

Another thing i find is, my ability to forget is so good, once i decided one thing or one people is no longer important to help me develop my thinking as i have already find his/her memory in my head have already be analyzed completely and written down, i will forget it soon(but still saved in the head, maybe just the index is removed), in the other side, my memory is very good, anything that still have question to me will be keep in my head, and one day i will get the answer of it, then write down new sentences as my thinking note, so my thinking can be very consistent, this astonished me too. Good litterateur have this ability too, such as Cao Xueqin.

Why "The earth is around" is accepted by children so naturally and easily while it was so ridiculous ago? My thinking will be accepted by everyone too, but you must remember, it was very ridiculous ago too. And, i find, the standard of handsome/beautiful is always changing slowly too, become more and more right as more and more humanly, but we must remember, also we all think Nietzsche and Weininger are very handsome, their contemporary people must don't think so, yes, just like we find the handsome star several years ago is not very handsome in our eyes now, and the new star is not handsome at first then become handsome naturally.

Girl's face only become lovely after grown up too. Some girls are most lovely in the senior high school, Zhang Jingzhe is in this case, then is Hu Yan, her most lovely period is the time i court her, then she is not as lovely as ago, i describe it by "she is losing her beautifulness", Jiang Qin have the very lovely face now, but her face was beautiful but looks woodenly in the senior high school.

One experience, always write down your thinking honestly, even you are thinking about many very "bad" things, you will get to know your old "bad" thinking is just very naive soon, be thinking bravely, or you can't make your thinking get progress. I have the experience of fear "dangerous" thinking too, but you should know, you are only a child, everyone will forgive you even you have "bad" thinking :) I understand why only i can do the work of enlighten human now, as only a child can be so brave.

I know why Jiang Qin's voice is not very lovely and her fast talking seems to be exciting, as her heart is still completely a baby, while she have a very reasoned head. Yes, heart only start to develop after grown up, often by the  first intense love, now her heart is just like the heart when i write the first several love letters to icelotus.

Oh, may be you feel i am too ruthless, that always analyze others' heart, but, i know, you can understand me.

The font on the computer screen is so clear and beautiful to me, i know it is neglected by you, but in the superman's eyes, it is always very beautiful.

Why my younger brother is not as good as me? This can be know by the theory of hereditary. But he is still better(humaner) than other boys.

The reason that girl don't reply to you, not only because she haven't good words to reply to you, but also because she fear to open her heart to you, just like you have love a girl in the back and only one year later dare to tell her that you like her. Trust the eyes when you look at each other.

Higher spiritual level: haha.

I know what i am good at, i can make your thought which you think is very deep become as naive as mine just by reply several words, it is because your thought is really very naive. I can make all of you become naive children again :_)

Why China government make education so expensive? To develop education. So China education will become cheap soon.

Why he teach you while he know that he needn't teach you? Because there are several women pretending to listening to him. People all start to pretend when herd together. They haven't much things learned, so they need to pretend. They have no valuable things to do, so they have time to pretend.

Why you think those old professors in the university are more learned than me? Their youth are wasted in the "ten years culture revolution", study their "knowledge"? Learn eagerly by yourself!

Why don't you trust yourself being the god as me? Let those weak will people wait the god, imagine the god, let us become the god.

It is not the genius killer stopped your thinking, but that you want to stop thinking at the same time.

I go to the net bar and continue to input my articles into computer, one hour later the Windows system get died, all my work in the past one hour is destroyed, i know i turned from a child to a superman, i say nothing, pay the money and get out, i know my eyes become very terror, I know my valuing system is different from idiots, those useless papers in your eyes, is more important than my life, if you destroy it, i will kill you.

Make idiots understand me is impossible.

If i can see Nietzsche and Weininger after commit suicide, i will do it immediately.

Tears are flowing on my face.

Why i am so ruthless? Because i have devoted all my love.

I want to be alone, alone forever. How can i live with those people who can't understand me.

Nothing, i know i will be OK after drip down some tears :)

Enlighten human can only be done by do it on the root, i have done it :_)

I think i can stop write philosophy articles now, as i can't get new idea, in the other side, philosophy is terminated :)

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