cdict-big5 dictionary(en - zh_TW) |
tarbal |
GPL, 4.5M, 57508 words |
oxford-big5 dictionary(en - zh_TW) 牛津現代英漢雙解詞典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 7.6M, 39429 words |
xdict-ec-big5 dictionary(en - zh_TW) |
tarbal |
GPL, 3.6M, 177824 words |
xdict-ce-big5 dictionary(zh_TW - en) |
tarbal |
GPL, 2.5M, 158152 words |
Sun Dict(en - zh_TW) |
tarbal |
GPL, 1M, 33042 words |
cedict-big5 dictionary(zh_TW - en) |
tarbal |
CEDICT LICENCE, 0.7M, 33903 words |
langdao-ec-big5 dictionary(en - zh_TW) 朗道英漢字典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 8.9M, 423246 words |
langdao-ce-big5 dictionary(zh_TW - en) 朗道漢英字典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 7.7M, 395426 words |
lazyworm-ec-big5 dictionary(en - zh_CN) 懶蟲簡明英漢詞典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 10M, 452184 words. |
lazyworm-ce-big5 dictionary(zh_CN - en) 懶蟲簡明漢英詞典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 1.7M, 119522 words. |
21 century bidirectional dictionary 21世紀英漢漢英雙向詞典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 13M, 212918 words |
21 century bidirectional science and technology dictionary 21世紀雙語科技詞典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 14M, 809239 words |
Soothill-Hodous Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms(zh_TW - en) |
tarbal |
GPL, 1M, 16687 words |
FoGuang big dictionary (Buddhism) 佛光大辭典 |
tarbal |
Free to use, 8.1M, 22521 words |
FaXiang dictionary (Buddhism) 法相辭典 |
tarbal |
Free to use, 3M, 14599 words |
FoXue big dictionary (Buddhism) 佛學大辭典 |
tarbal |
Free to use, 3.7M, 30842 words |
Eng-Ch-Eng dic of Buddhist terms |
tarbal |
GPL, 320K, 3441 words |
陳義孝佛學常見辭彙 |
tarbal |
GPL, 320K, 5859 words |
SanZunFaSu (Buddhism) 三藏法數 |
tarbal |
GPL, 1.3M, 8091 words |
HanDeDict 漢德辭典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 1.6M, 64097 words |
kdic-ec-14w-big5 dictionary 英譯中字典 |
tarbal |
GPL, 3.3M, 141045 words |