Japanese Dictionaries

JMDict-en-ja dictionary tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 2.4M, 95443 words
JMDict-ja-en dictionary tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 4.2M, 171879 words
JCEDict dictionary(ja-zh_CN,en) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 752K, 19973 words
JEDict dictionary(ja-en) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 2.5M, 107737 words
EJDic (English-Japanese dictionary) tarbal GPL, 927K, 13399 words
EJ-GENE95 (English-Japanese dictionary) tarbal GPL, 1.7M, 57369 words
JE-EDICT_Kanji (Japanese-English dictionary) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 335K, 9223 words
EJ-EDict (English-Japanese dictionary) tarbal GPL, 1M, 61346 words
EDICT (Japanese/English electronic dictionary) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 2.8M, 112867 words
ENAMDICT (Proper name dictionary) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 7.2M, 441544 words
Kanjidic2 (Kanji dictionary) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 452K, 12707 words
classical (Classical Japanese dictionary) tarbal GPL, 20K, 519 words
WaDokuJT Japanese-German dictionary tarbal GPL, 8M, 260268 words
Japanese to German Dictionary tarbal GPL, 261K, 11259 words
JR-EDICT electronic Japanese-Russian dictionary tarbal GPL, 186K, 7828 words
Japanese/English Life Science Dictionary tarbal GPL, 780K, 34286 words
COMPDIC (computing and telecommunications industries) tarbal The EDRDG Licence, 303K, 14092 words
ENGSCIDIC (engineering and physical sciences) tarbal GPL, 368K, 14192 words
Japanese-English River and Water Resources Glossary tarbal GPL, 1.1M, 44320 words
Japanese place-names tarbal GPL, 1.3M, 72201 words
GEODIC (geological terminology) tarbal GPL, 30K, 1311 words
J/E Linguistics Dictionary tarbal GPL, 67K, 2881 words
Japanese forestry terms tarbal GPL, 23K, 784 words
Japanese forestry terms (Spanish) tarbal GPL, 10K, 250 words
E/J Aviation Dictionary tarbal GPL, 21K, 739 words
Concrete Terminology Glossary tarbal GPL, 29K, 1055 words
FINDIC (financial terms) tarbal GPL, 19K, 564 words
MKTDIC (business & marketing glossary) tarbal GPL, 15K, 459 words
COMPVERB (Japanese compound verbs) tarbal GPL, 37K, 1223 words
Constellation names tarbal GPL, 5K, 106 words
4JWORDS (4-kanji ideomatic expressions and proverbs) tarbal GPL, 151K, 3183 words
Buddhism words and phrases tarbal GPL, 388K, 16037 words