The renaissance of Chinese ideology 2003.10.25 My ideology have already be matured when i get the utmost truth, it have been written down in "the fourth essay", all my later essay is just explanation to it. I only take 4 days to find the truth, but it seems i will need 40 years to spread it. What will i do in the next years? I won't go abroad, i will stay in SiChuan university, as i described ago, here have the best environment, i will spread my ideology from here. My best friends are those Linuxer, they can accept my article, although they don't understand it yet, but they won't delete it, and would like to help me, as i was a Linuxer ago, all contemporary philosopher will block me, they have the strongest intention to delete my articles, because they can sense the burden of truth, and fear it, because, i tell they:all they was doing, are in the wrong way. Their work is not to find the utmost truth now, as it have already be found by me, their work is to spread the truth, after they realized this, they will come and help me. These feminine man, won't understand me most, i say feminine man, don't means their desire to sex-compliment is weak, but the desire for truth is weak. They never read long articles, always have nothing to do, but be fond of spread these garbages, they dislike these hysteric girl mostly, who i think is lovely. The China society have get to know girl should be keep virgin until she become wife, because she is raped most violently when she is fucked for the first time, but another more important thing is, the genius, as their desire for truth is most strong, he want to rape the girl's mind violently more than sexual rape, the girls should keep her mind innocent before she become wife too. Most girl's mind have already be rape by others before she become the wife, such as, icelotus, she seems to like write her feeling articles and publish it on the BBS, this is just because her mind have already partly been raped by other boys. The grow up environment of girls should haven't literature, haven't science, haven't art, haven't philosophy, as i said ago, only train for sex attraction and fertility, and when she is grown up, the man come and find the most sex-compliment girl of him, and after she is the wife of the man, her body is raped most violent by his husband, her mind is raped most violent by his husband, she study literature, science, art, philosophy from his husband, her mind is formed by his husband. So, after raped by body and by mind, she love his husband most strongly, and become most happy, and you love her most strongly too, as you get the utmost truth by education and have get your perfect wife, you are happiest too. You see, Chinese man have the most strong inclination for her wife be virgin than other countries, this is essence of China's 5000 years' ideology, but, it need to be improve more further, i will spread my ideology in China first, as China is mostly near my ideology. China was strongest country in the world, America seems to become most strong now, it is just because science get higher than philsophy temporarily, but science will be defeat by philosophy again soon, as philosophy is highest, China will become the strongest country again as philosophy become highest again. It seems my ideology is very alike of the old ideology of China, also my ideology comes from the newest foreign philosophy, my ideology is base on China's ideology, and make it further by foreign ideology, just as base on rape the body of girls, and get further of rape the mind of girls. It is the renaissance of China's ideology, it is the renaissance of China, it is the renaissance of philosophy. I understand why my article blocked so fast in smth's philosophy board now, because my ideology is attacking the foreign ideology, these ideology in philosophy board, is completely foreign ideology to China, my ideology is most strongly resisted in the abroad, because, I, have absorb the essence of foreign ideology from Otto Weininger and Nietzsche, and merge it with Chinese ideology, it is easy to know now, my article will be welcomed in those "Wisdow" board which discuss the Chinese ideology, i will tell them how to develop Chinese ideology more further.